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The Goal of AYURVEDA is to preserve the health of a human being .
To keep a healthy person Healthy.

Keeping in mind the holistic health of the individual and the environment we live in .
Its framework is what protects us.
GIVES an understanding of our constitution, organ systems or digestion functions ,

the space and time we exist in and how our bodies respond to a shift in
the seasons.

Mental aspects of mano vaha srotas
Prana vaha srotas or energy carrying channels
Anna vaha srotas - food management

My focus was on mastering the understanding of digestion .
My understanding was forged studying at The Joyful Belly Ayurvedic Institute . 2019 - 2021
500 + hours
4-6 dynamic teachers with authentic experience and knowledge that gives wings to the listener.

It is said that we are as young as our digestive system.

Digestion uses up 60 % of the energy we possess.

It uses up water, energy, enzymes and effort
Leaving us nourished if the process was successful

if not then our body did all that hard work but did not get paid .

70 % of the immune system is in the GUT.

Founded by DR. Pang Ming.

Is as intensive system or science


on the understanding that

a vast field of universal energy and information exists.

We can learn to tune in to, exchange with and direct this information and energy

into our body mind and soul.
In the most precise and intelligent manner.
One can learn how to use the infinite power

and energy of life to enhance the quality of life ,

strengthen and discover abilities,

promote quick recovery and

improve the health condition of anyone who practices regularly with firm confidence.

The potential of Hun Yuan Ql Therapy and Zhineng Qi Gong.

Intelligent practices and conscious movements

we can do every single day for a sustainable and good quality of life.

It includes study exploration and literature.
It has various applications from self healing for humans,

to sending energy and information to other forms of life or ideas .
Rehabilitation , Agriculture , Intelligence , Focus,

Preservation of Life force and All Relationships.

Transforming water,

the possibility of a medicine less treatmet with a healthier life.

Nourishing the mindset to boost positivity and change lives.
To achieve balance, clear blockages and find holistic wellness.

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